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Version: v1.6.x

New Committer Process

Apache New Committer Guideline

The process of new Committer

  • Call a vote in mailing

    see Committer Vote Template

  • Close the vote

    see Close Vote Template

  • If the result is positive, invite the new committer

    see Committer Invite Template

  • If accepted, then: Accept the committer

    see Committer Accept Template

  • New Committer sign CLA and wait for CLA is recorded

  • Request creation of the committer account

    see Committer Account Creation

    • Wait until root says it is done
    • Roster add the new committer
  • Announce the new committer

    see Announce New Committer Template


Note that, there are three placeholder in template should be replaced before using

  • NEW_COMMITTER_NAME This Must Be Public Name, Not Github Name Or Id.

Committer Vote Template


NEW_COMMITTER_NAME This Must Be Public Name, Not Github Name Or Id.

Subject: [VOTE] New committer: ${NEW_COMMITTER_NAME}
Hi HertzBeat PPMC,

This is a formal vote about inviting ${NEW_COMMITTER_NAME} as our community new committer.


Here is the list of ${NEW_COMMITTER_NAME}'s contributions in HertzBeat Community:

> [27 commits](
> 7,495 ++ 627 --

Submitted PR (27 commits)
- [ISSUE #4534] [feature] add new feature in hertzbeat #3445
- xxx

Submitted Issues (18 commits)

- [bug] find some bugs in hertzbeat nodes #6565
- xxx

Please vote:

+1: I support this proposal and will welcome ${NEW_COMMITTER_NAME} as a committer.
+0: I don't care.
-1: I object to this proposal and here are my reasons.

This vote will be open for at least 7 days.

See voting guidelines at

Best Wishes,

Note that, Voting ends one week from today, i.e. midnight UTC on YYYY-MM-DD
Apache Voting Guidelines

Close Vote Template

Subject: [RESULT] [VOTE] New committer: ${NEW_COMMITTER_NAME}
Hi HertzBeat PPMC,

The vote has now closed. The results are:

Binding Votes:


The vote is ***successful/not successful***

Committer Invite Template

Subject: Invitation to become HertzBeat committer: ${NEW_COMMITTER_NAME}

The HertzBeat Project Management Committee (PMC)
hereby offers you committer privileges to the project.

These privileges are offered on the understanding that
you'll use them reasonably and with common sense.
We like to work on trust rather than unnecessary constraints.

Being a committer enables you to more easily make
changes without needing to go through the patch
submission process.

Being a committer does not require you to
participate any more than you already do. It does
tend to make one even more committed. You will
probably find that you spend more time here.

Of course, you can decline and instead remain as a
contributor, participating as you do now.

This personal invitation is a chance for you to accept or decline in private.
Please let us know in reply to this message whether you accept or decline.

If you accept, you will need an Apache account (id) with privileges.
Please follow these instructions.

A. If you already have an ICLA on file:

1. If you already have an Apache account, let us know your id and we
will grant you privileges on the project repositories.

2. If you have previously sent an ICLA, let us know the email address
and public name used on the ICLA and your preferred Apache id, and
we will request your account.

3. If the email address on the previously submitted ICLA is no longer
valid, let us know the email address and public name used on the new ICLA,
and your preferred Apache id. Continue to step B below and file your new ICLA.

Look to see if your preferred ID is already taken at

B. If there is not already an ICLA on file, you need to submit an ICLA:

1. Details of the ICLA and the forms are found
through this link:

2. Instructions for its completion and return to
the Secretary of the ASF are found at

Do not copy the project or any other individual on your message
to Secretary, as the form contains Personally Identifiable Information
that should be kept private.

3. When you complete the ICLA form, be sure to include in the form
the Apache [Project] project and choose a
unique Apache ID. Look to see if your preferred
ID is already taken at
This will allow the Secretary to notify the PMC
when your ICLA has been recorded.

When recording of your ICLA is noted, you will
receive a follow-up message with the next steps for
establishing you as a committer.

Committer Accept Template

Subject: Re: invitation to become HertzBeat committer
Welcome. Here are the next steps in becoming a project committer. After that
we will make an announcement to the list.

You need to send a Contributor License Agreement to the ASF.
Normally you would send an Individual CLA. If you also make
contributions done in work time or using work resources,
see the Corporate CLA. Ask us if you have any issues.

You need to choose a preferred ASF user name and alternatives.
In order to ensure it is available you can view a list of taken IDs at

Please notify us when you have submitted the CLA and by what means
you did so. This will enable us to monitor its progress.

We will arrange for your Apache user account when the CLA has
been recorded.

After that is done, please make followup replies to the list.
We generally discuss everything there and keep the list for occasional matters which must be private.

The developer section of the website describes roles within the ASF and provides other

The incubator also has some useful information for new committers
in incubating projects:

Just as before you became a committer, participation in any ASF community
requires adherence to the ASF Code of Conduct:

The Apache HertzBeat PPMC

Announce New Committer Template

Subject: [ANNOUNCE] New committer: ${NEW_COMMITTER_NAME}
Hello Community,

The Podling Project Management Committee (PPMC) for Apache HertzBeat (incubating)
has invited ${NEW_COMMITTER_NAME} to become a committer and we are pleased to
announce that he has accepted.

${NEW_COMMITTER_NAME} is active in the Apache HertzBeat community, hope to see your
further interactions with the community!
Thanks for your contributions.

Best Wishes!