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Version: v1.5.x

Monitoring InfluxDB Database

Configuration Parameters

Parameter NameParameter Description
Monitor HostThe IPv4, IPv6, or domain name of the target being monitored. Note⚠️: Do not include the protocol header (e.g., https://, http://).
Task NameA unique identifier for this monitoring task.
PortThe port on which the database is exposed. Default is 8086.
URLThe database connection URL, usually constructed from the host. No need to add it separately.
Collection IntervalThe interval at which data is collected during monitoring, in seconds. The minimum interval that can be set is 30 seconds.
Probe EnabledWhether to perform a probe check for monitoring availability before adding or modifying the monitoring task.
DescriptionAdditional notes and remarks about this monitoring task. Users can provide information and descriptions here.

Collected Metrics

Metric Set: influxdb_info

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Description
build_dateN/ACreation date
osN/AOperating system
versionN/AVersion number

Metric Set: http_api_request_duration_seconds

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Description
response_codeN/AResponse code
methodN/ARequest method
user_agentN/AUser agent

Metric Set: storage_compactions_queued

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Description
bucketN/AStorage bucket
engineN/AEngine type
pathN/AData file path

Metric Set: http_write_request_bytes

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Description
org_idN/AOrganization identifier

Metric Set: qc_requests_total

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Description
orgN/AOrganization identifier