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Version: v1.4.x

HTTP Protocol System Default Parsing Method

After calling the HTTP api to obtain the response data, use the default parsing method of hertzbeat to parse the response data.

The interface response data structure must be consistent with the data structure rules specified by hertzbeat

HertzBeat data format specification

Note⚠️ The response data is JSON format.

Single layer format :key-value

"metricName1": "metricValue",
"metricName2": "metricValue",
"metricName3": "metricValue",
"metricName4": "metricValue"

Multilayer format:Set key value in the array

"metricName1": "metricValue",
"metricName2": "metricValue",
"metricName3": "metricValue",
"metricName4": "metricValue"
"metricName1": "metricValue",
"metricName2": "metricValue",
"metricName3": "metricValue",
"metricName4": "metricValue"

eg: Query the CPU information of the custom system. The exposed interface is /metrics/cpu. We need hostname,core,useage Metric. If there is only one virtual machine, its single-layer format is :

"hostname": "linux-1",
"core": 1,
"usage": 78.0,
"allTime": 200,
"runningTime": 100

If there are multiple virtual machines, the multilayer format is: :

"hostname": "linux-1",
"core": 1,
"usage": 78.0,
"allTime": 200,
"runningTime": 100
"hostname": "linux-2",
"core": 3,
"usage": 78.0,
"allTime": 566,
"runningTime": 34
"hostname": "linux-3",
"core": 4,
"usage": 38.0,
"allTime": 500,
"runningTime": 20

The corresponding monitoring template yml can be configured as follows

# The monitoring type category:service-application service monitoring db-database monitoring custom-custom monitoring os-operating system monitoring
category: custom
# Monitoring application type(consistent with the file name) eg: linux windows tomcat mysql aws...
app: example
zh-CN: 模拟应用类型
# field-field name identifier
- field: host
# name-parameter field display name
zh-CN: 主机Host
en-US: Host
# type-field type, style(most mappings are input label type attribute)
type: host
# required or not true-required false-optional
required: true
- field: port
zh-CN: 端口
en-US: Port
type: number
# When type is number, range is used to represent the range.
range: '[0,65535]'
required: true
# port default
defaultValue: 80
# Prompt information of parameter input box
placeholder: 'Please enter the port'
# Metric group list
# The first monitoring Metric group cpu
# Note:the built-in monitoring Metrics have (responseTime - response time)
- name: cpu
# The smaller Metric group scheduling priority(0-127), the higher the priority. After completion of the high priority Metric group collection,the low priority Metric group will then be scheduled. Metric groups with the same priority will be scheduled in parallel.
# Metric group with a priority of 0 is an availability group which will be scheduled first. If the collection succeeds, the scheduling will continue otherwise interrupt scheduling.
priority: 0
# metrics fields list
# Metric information include field: name type: field type(0-number: number, 1-string: string) label-if is metrics label unit: Metric unit
- field: hostname
type: 1
label: true
- field: usage
type: 0
unit: '%'
- field: core
type: 0
# protocol for monitoring and collection eg: sql, ssh, http, telnet, wmi, snmp, sdk
protocol: http
# Specific collection configuration when the protocol is HTTP protocol
# host: ipv4 ipv6 domain name
host: ^_^host^_^
# port
port: ^_^port^_^
# url request interface path
url: /metrics/cpu
method: GET
# enable ssl/tls or not, that is to say, HTTP or HTTPS. The default is false
ssl: false
# parsing method for reponse data: default-system rules, jsonPath-jsonPath script, website-website availability Metric monitoring
# Hertzbeat default parsing is used here
parseType: default