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Version: v1.3.x

Install HertzBeat via Package

You can install and run HertzBeat on Linux Windows Mac system, and CPU supports X86/ARM64. Due to the installation package itself does not include the JAVA runtime environment, you need to prepare JAVA runtime environment in advance.

  1. Install JAVA runtime environment-refer to official website
    requirement:JDK11 ENV
    download JAVA installation package: mirror website
    After installation use command line to check whether you install it successfully.

    $ java -version
    java version "11.0.12"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.12+8-LTS-237)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.12+8-LTS-237, mixed mode)

  2. Download HertzBeat installation package
    Download installation package corresponding to your system environment

  3. Configure HertzBeat's configuration file(optional)
    Unzip the installation package to the host eg: /opt/hertzbeat

    $ tar zxvf hertzbeat-[version number].tar.gz   

    Modify the configuration file hertzbeat/config/application.yml params according to your needs.

    • If you need to use email to send alarms, you need to replace the email server parameters spring.mail in application.yml
    • Recommended If you need to use an external Mysql database to replace the built-in H2 database, you need to replace the spring.datasource parameter in application.yml For specific steps, see Using Mysql to replace H2 database
    • Recommended If you need to use the time series database TDengine to store metric data, you need to replace the parameter in application.yml for specific steps, see Using TDengine to store metrics data
    • Recommended If you need to use the time series database IotDB to store the metric database, you need to replace the warehouse.storeiot-db parameter in application.yml For specific steps, see Use IotDB to store metrics data
  4. Configure the account file(optional)
    HertzBeat default built-in three user accounts, respectively admin/hertzbeat tom/hertzbeat guest/hertzbeat
    If you need add, delete or modify account or password, configure sureness.yml. Ignore this step without this demand.
    For detail steps, please refer to Configure Account Password

  5. Start the service
    Execute the startup script in the installation directory hertzbeat/bin/

    $ ./ 

⚠️Note, If there are multiple Java environments configured in the system environment variables and java11 is not included, modify $ ./ or startup.bat to specify the Java path manually.
In, add JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_DIR} at the first line.
In startup.bat, modify javaw to the path of java11, such as C:\Users\user\.jdks\corretto-11.0.18\bin\javaw

  1. Begin to explore HertzBeat

    Access http://ip:1157/ using browser. You can explore HertzBeat with default account admin/hertzbeat now!



  1. According to the process deploy,visit http://ip:1157/ no interface
    Please refer to the following points to troubleshoot issues:

    1:If you switch to dependency service MYSQL database,check whether the database is created and started successfully. 2:Check whether dependent services, IP account and password configuration is correct in HertzBeat's configuration file hertzbeat/config/application.yml.
    3:Check whether the running log has errors in hertzbeat/logs/ directory. If you haven't solved the issue, report it to the communication group or community.

  2. Log an error TDengine connection or insert SQL failed

    1:Check whether database account and password configured is correct, the database is created.
    2:If you install TDengine2.3+ version, you must execute systemctl start taosadapter to start adapter in addition to start the server.

  3. Historical monitoring charts have been missing data for a long time

    1:Check whether you configure Tdengine or IoTDB. No configuration means no historical chart data.
    2:Check whether Tdengine database hertzbeat is created. 3: Check whether IP account and password configuration is correct in HertzBeat's configuration file application.yml.

  4. The historical picture of monitoring details is not displayed or has no data, and TDengine has been deployed

    Please confirm whether the installed TDengine version is near, version 3.0 and 2.2 are not compatible.

  5. The time series database is installed and configured, but the page still displays a pop-up [Unable to provide historical chart data, please configure dependent time series database]

    Please check if the configuration parameters are correct
    Is iot-db or td-engine enable set to true
    Note⚠️If both hertzbeat and IotDB, TDengine are started under the same host for docker containers, cannot be used for communication between containers by default, and the host IP is changed
    You can check the startup logs according to the logs directory