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Version: v1.5.x

Monitoring Apache HDFS DataNode Monitoring

Hertzbeat monitors metrics for Apache HDFS DataNode nodes.

Protocol Used: HTTP

Pre-monitoring Operations

Retrieve the HTTP monitoring port for the Apache HDFS DataNode. Value: dfs.datanode.http.address

Configuration Parameters

Parameter NameParameter Description
Target HostIP(v4 or v6) or domain name of the target to be monitored. Exclude protocol.
PortMonitoring port number for Apache HDFS DataNode, default is 50075.
Query TimeoutTimeout for querying Apache HDFS DataNode, in milliseconds, default is 6000 milliseconds.
Metrics Collection IntervalTime interval for monitoring data collection, in seconds, minimum interval is 30 seconds.
Probe Before MonitoringWhether to probe and check monitoring availability before adding.
Description/RemarksAdditional description and remarks for this monitoring.

Metrics Collected

Metric Set: FSDatasetState

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Description
DfsUsedGBDataNode HDFS usage
RemainingGBRemaining space on DataNode HDFS
CapacityGBTotal capacity of DataNode HDFS

Metric Set: JvmMetrics

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Description
MemNonHeapUsedMMBCurrent usage of NonHeapMemory by JVM
MemNonHeapCommittedMMBCommitted size of NonHeapMemory configured in JVM
MemHeapUsedMMBCurrent usage of HeapMemory by JVM
MemHeapCommittedMMBCommitted size of HeapMemory by JVM
MemHeapMaxMMBMaximum size of HeapMemory configured in JVM
MemMaxMMBMaximum memory available for JVM at runtime
ThreadsRunnableCountNumber of threads in RUNNABLE state
ThreadsBlockedCountNumber of threads in BLOCKED state
ThreadsWaitingCountNumber of threads in WAITING state
ThreadsTimedWaitingCountNumber of threads in TIMED WAITING state

Metric Set: runtime

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Description
StartTimeStartup time