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Version: v1.5.x

Monitoring HDFS NameNode Monitoring

Hertzbeat monitors metrics for HDFS NameNode nodes.

Protocol Used: HTTP

Pre-Monitoring Actions

Ensure that you have obtained the JMX monitoring port for the HDFS NameNode.

Configuration Parameters

Parameter NameParameter Description
Target HostThe IPv4, IPv6, or domain name of the target being monitored. Exclude protocol headers.
PortThe monitoring port number of the HDFS NameNode, default is 50070.
Query TimeoutTimeout for querying the HDFS NameNode, in milliseconds, default is 6000 milliseconds.
Metrics Collection IntervalTime interval for collecting monitoring data, in seconds, minimum interval is 30 seconds.
Probe Before MonitoringWhether to probe and check the availability of monitoring before adding it.
Description/RemarksAdditional description and remarks for this monitoring.

Collected Metrics

Metric Set: FSNamesystem

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Description
CapacityTotalTotal cluster storage capacity
CapacityTotalGBGBTotal cluster storage capacity
CapacityUsedUsed cluster storage capacity
CapacityUsedGBGBUsed cluster storage capacity
CapacityRemainingRemaining cluster storage capacity
CapacityRemainingGBGBRemaining cluster storage capacity
CapacityUsedNonDFSNon-HDFS usage of cluster capacity
TotalLoadTotal client connections in the cluster
FilesTotalTotal number of files in the cluster
BlocksTotalTotal number of BLOCKs
PendingReplicationBlocksNumber of blocks awaiting replication
UnderReplicatedBlocksNumber of blocks with insufficient replicas
CorruptBlocksNumber of corrupt blocks
ScheduledReplicationBlocksNumber of blocks scheduled for replication
PendingDeletionBlocksNumber of blocks awaiting deletion
ExcessBlocksNumber of excess blocks
PostponedMisreplicatedBlocksNumber of misreplicated blocks postponed for processing
NumLiveDataNodesNumber of live data nodes in the cluster
NumDeadDataNodesNumber of data nodes marked as dead
NumDecomLiveDataNodesNumber of decommissioned live nodes
NumDecomDeadDataNodesNumber of decommissioned dead nodes
NumDecommissioningDataNodesNumber of nodes currently being decommissioned
TransactionsSinceLastCheckpointNumber of transactions since the last checkpoint
LastCheckpointTimeTime of the last checkpoint
PendingDataNodeMessageCountNumber of DATANODE requests queued in the standby namenode

Metric Set: RPC

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Description
ReceivedBytesData receiving rate
SentBytesData sending rate
RpcQueueTimeNumOpsRPC call rate

Metric Set: runtime

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Description
StartTimeStart time

Metric Set: JvmMetrics

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Description
MemNonHeapUsedMMBCurrent usage of NonHeapMemory by JVM
MemNonHeapCommittedMMBCommitted NonHeapMemory by JVM
MemHeapUsedMMBCurrent usage of HeapMemory by JVM
MemHeapCommittedMMBCommitted HeapMemory by JVM
MemHeapMaxMMBMaximum HeapMemory configured for JVM
MemMaxMMBMaximum memory that can be used by JVM
GcCountParNewCountNumber of ParNew GC events
GcTimeMillisParNewMillisecondsTime spent in ParNew GC
GcCountConcurrentMarkSweepCountNumber of ConcurrentMarkSweep GC events
GcTimeMillisConcurrentMarkSweepMillisecondsTime spent in ConcurrentMarkSweep GC
GcCountCountTotal number of GC events
GcTimeMillisMillisecondsTotal time spent in GC events
ThreadsRunnableCountNumber of threads in RUNNABLE state
ThreadsBlockedCountNumber of threads in BLOCKED state
ThreadsWaitingCountNumber of threads in WAITING state
ThreadsTimedWaitingCountNumber of threads in TIMED WAITING state