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Version: v1.5.x

Monitoring NebulaGraph Cluster

Monitor basic information, nodes, tasks, etc., of the NebulaGraph cluster.

Protocol Use:ngql

Configuration parameters

Parameter NameParameter help description
Target HostThe IPv4, IPv6, or domain name of the monitored peer. Note ⚠️ without the protocol header (eg: https://, http://).
Task NameIdentifies the name of this monitor, ensuring uniqueness of the name.
Graph PortThe port where the graph service is open, default is 9669.
Connection TimeoutTimeout for connecting to the graph service, in milliseconds, default is 6000 milliseconds.
UsernameDatabase connection username.
PasswordDatabase connection password.
Collection IntervalInterval for periodically collecting data, in seconds. The minimum interval that can be set is 30 seconds.
Bind LabelsUsed to categorize and manage monitored resources.
DescriptionAdditional information for identifying and describing this monitor. Users can add remarks here.

Collection Metric

Metric Set: Base info

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric help description
responseTimeNoneResponse time
charsetNoneCharacter set
collationNoneCharacter set collation

Metric Set: Session

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric help description
sessionNoneNumber of sessions
running_query_countNoneNumber of queries being executed

Metric Set: Jobs

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric help description
queue_jobsNoneNumber of pending background tasks
running_jobsNoneNumber of background tasks being executed

Metric Set: Cluster node info

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric help description
total_storage_nodeNoneNumber of storage nodes
offline_storage_nodeNoneNumber of offline storage nodes
total_meta_nodeNoneNumber of meta nodes
offline_meta_nodeNoneNumber of offline meta nodes
total_graph_nodeNoneNumber of graph nodes
offline_graph_nodeNoneNumber of offline graph nodes

Metric Set: Storage Nodes

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric help description
hostNoneNode address
statusNoneStatus (ONLINE/OFFLINE)
leaderCountNoneNumber of leader partitions on the current node
leaderDistributionNoneDistribution of leader partitions on the current node
partitionDistributionNoneDistribution of partitions on the current node

Metric Set: Meta Nodes

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric help description
hostNoneNode address
statusNoneStatus (ONLINE/OFFLINE)

Metric Set: Graph Nodes

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric help description
hostNoneNode address
statusNoneStatus (ONLINE/OFFLINE)

If you need to customize monitoring templates to collect data from NebulaGraph clusters, please refer to: NGQL Custom Monitoring