
重磅更新 开源实时监控工具 HertzBeat v1.3.0 发布 在线自定义来了

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官网: hertzbeat.com | tancloud.cn


What is HertzBeat?

HertzBeat赫兹跳动 是一个拥有强大自定义监控能力,无需 Agent 的开源实时监控告警工具。 集 监控+告警+通知 为一体,支持对应用服务,应用程序,数据库,缓存,操作系统,大数据,中间件,Web服务器,云原生,网络,自定义等指标监控,阈值告警通知一步到位。 支持更自由化的阈值规则(计算表达式),邮件 Discord Slack Telegram 钉钉 微信 飞书 短信 Webhook 等方式及时送达。

我们将Http, Jmx, Ssh, Snmp, Jdbc, Prometheus等协议规范可配置化,您只需配置YML就能使用这些协议去自定义采集任何您想要的指标。



Github: https://github.com/apache/hertzbeat

Gitee: https://gitee.com/hertzbeat/hertzbeat

v1.3.0 大版本来了

经过一个月的迭代更新,HertzBeat v1.3.0 在上周末正式发布啦, 推荐升级食用

  • 支持在浏览器页面自定义监控。hertzbeat拥有强大自定义监控能力,我们所有的已支持监控类型都映射为一个YML,之前用户使用自定义监控功能适配指标需要在后台编写YML文件并重启,体验欠佳且没有直观的感受。这次我们带来了自定义监控页面化,欢迎大家使用和分享贡献自己的监控类型定义。


  • 支持对网络交换机的监控。hertzbeat很早之前就支持了snmp协议,windows监控就是通过snmp协议来监控的,这个版本我们不仅支持了更多windows性能指标,还支持了snmp walk,适配了几款常见网络交换机的监控,欢迎贡献更多类型与指标给社区。

  • 支持redis集群和更多数据库指标的监控。社区贡献者们贡献了对redis集群和多种数据库的扩展指标,丰富了性能指标数据。

  • 支持iotdb1.0存储,无依赖模式等更多的新功能欢迎来探索

  • 修复若干BUG,更完善的文档,重构了代码。


docker run -d -p 1157:1157 --name hertzbeat apache/hertzbeat




  1. [webapp,doc] monitor detail support basic panel hide #619 @tomsun28
  2. add alarm notification period #624 @Ceilzcx
  3. [manager] support more mysql monitoring metrics #631
  4. [unit test] Add unit test cases for KeyPairUtil #635 @Daydreamer-ia
  5. [test]feature:add AlertDefineService test #638 @hudongdong129
  6. [unit test] Add unit test cases for AlertTemplateUtil #639 @Daydreamer-ia
  7. [test] add junit WarehouseWorkerPoolTest #642 @TherChenYang
  8. task #614 [Add monitoring parameters for Redis Cluster and Sentinel] #647 @hudongdong129
  9. A minor refactoring of the class WarehouseWorkerPoolTest #648 @HattoriHenzo
  10. [task]feature:Optimize Redis info [section] and Add Redis command statistics #665 @hudongdong129
  11. [document]add redis help document #672 @hudongdong129
  12. Jupiter dependency is explicitly declared in the main pom file #674 @HattoriHenzo
  13. refactor monitor define yml, update doc #675
  14. [task]support more window metrics #676 @hudongdong129
  15. support config monitoring define yml in web ui #678
  16. support delete monitoring define yml in web ui #679
  17. [manager] add mysql, oracle, pg db more metrics #683
  18. [warehouse] support jpa store metrics history data #684
  19. [collect]Add redis cluster auto-discovery display metrics information #685 @hudongdong129
  20. Convert version into properties #686 @HattoriHenzo
  21. [webapp] change default monitor intervals 120s to 60s #708 @xiaohe428
  22. [warehouse] support jpa expired metrics data auto cleaner #691
  23. snmp collect protocol support walk operation #699
  24. support v1.0.+ iotdb #702 @Ceilzcx
  25. feature support monitor switch network metrics #705
  26. [webapp] change alert define trigger times from max 10 to max 999 #706 @Grass-Life
  27. [doc] change default locale i18n from zh-cn to en #725


  1. [collector] bugfix oracle query error: ORA-01000 happen #618
  2. [manager]bugfix:update flink fields name, use _replace - avoid alert_threshold_expr problem. #622 @cuipiheqiuqiu
  3. [webapp] fix rule days not change when edit old notice rule item #628
  4. [webapp] update alert notice modal item span #630
  5. Update issue.md #654 @ycilry
  6. The version of Spring Boot should be put in properties #657 @HattoriHenzo
  7. Bugfix: EdDSA provider not supported #659 @caibenxiang
  8. [script] auto heap dump when oom error #662
  9. bugfix recurring tasks caused by priority processing exception #663
  10. bugfix repetitive collect tasks, reduce init mem size #664
  11. [manager] bugfix define yml file name and the app name are inconsistent #680
  12. [collector] bugfix metrics has a lot of repetition fields #682
  13. fix(sec): upgrade org.apache.kafka:kafka-clients to 3.4.0 #687 @lifefloating
  14. optimized code and add iotdb compose config #690 @Ceilzcx
  15. [script] modified the linux memory metrics specified script code #719 @ByteIDance
  16. Update kubernetes.md #715 @xiaohe428
  17. [home,i18n] Update kubernetes.md #716 @baiban114
  18. [webapp] fix applist delete button display #693
  19. [warehouse] bugfix metrics data not consume oom #697
  20. [manager] bugfix npe when load old define yml in windows env #701
  21. bugfix job metrics set concurrent modification exception #723
  22. [script] modified the linux memory metrics specified script code #719
  23. [webapp] bugfix the cover of the big screen is too small #724


对于之前使用iotdb或者tdengine来存储指标数据的用户,需要修改 application.yml 来关闭JPA存储 warehouse.store.jpa.enabled 如下:

修改 application.yml 并设置 warehouse.store.jpa.enabled 参数为 false

enabled: false


ALTER table hzb_monitor modify job_id bigint default null;

⛄ Supported

  • 网站监控, 端口可用性, Http Api, Ping连通性, Jvm, SiteMap全站, Ssl证书, SpringBoot, FTP服务器
  • Mysql, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Redis, ElasticSearch, SqlServer, Oracle, MongoDB, 达梦, OpenGauss, ClickHouse, IoTDB, Redis集群
  • Linux, Ubuntu, CentOS, Windows
  • Tomcat, Nacos, Zookeeper, RabbitMQ, Flink, Kafka, ShenYu, DynamicTp, Jetty, ActiveMQ
  • Kubernetes, Docker
  • Huawei Switch, HPE Switch, TP-LINK Switch, Cisco Switch
  • 和更多你的自定义监控。
  • 通知支持 Discord Slack Telegram 邮件 钉钉 微信 飞书 短信 Webhook

Github: https://github.com/apache/hertzbeat Gitee: https://gitee.com/hertzbeat/hertzbeat