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Hi guys! HertzBeat v1.2.0 is coming. This version supports more powerful metrics collect jsonpath, upgrade springboot version to 2.7.4, support This version supports more powerful metrics collect jsonpath, upgrade springboot version to 2.7.4, support metrics unit convert display, and more. Fixed several bugs and improved the overall stable usability.

Only one docker command is needed to install and experience heartbeat: docker run -d -p 1157:1157 --name hertzbeat apache/hertzbeat

Thanks to the contributors! 👍👍 @Ceilzcx @Privauto @VampireAchao @DreamGirl524 @CharlieXCL @emrys-he @SxLiuYu @tomsun28

We urgently need contributors to test cases, new application monitoring, documentation, etc., and very welcome you to join. Come on! HertzBeat is so easy!

Features. 1. [[home,manager]]

  1. [home,manager]add practice learn doc and hertzbeat monitor yml #284
  2. [webapp] auto redirect url when detect browser language #289 contribute by @DreamGirl524
  3. [home] update logo icon cdn url with fault tolerance #293 contributed by @VampireAchao
  4. [monitor] enable powerful jsonpath parser, add es metrics #295 contributed by @Ceilzcx
  5. [webapp] update ui theme #296
  6. Feature change main pom artifactId #300 contributed by @Privauto
  7. [home,webapp] add users logo and update hertzbeat brand #302
  8. [monitor] alerter notify test throw msg to front, optional config #305 contributed by @Ceilzcx
  9. [home]doc:update and #306 contributed by @Privauto
  10. [hertzbeat] refactor common collect metrics data and alert data queue #320
  11. [hertzbeat] upgrade springboot version 2.4.13 to 2.7.4 #316 contributed by @Privauto
  12. [web-app] optimize the monitor detect feedback method #322
  13. [github,webapp] add webapp ci action, fix eslint warning and upgrade codeql #323
  14. [hertzbeat] add more unit test and test example #324
  15. support metrics unit extract, convert and display #326 contributed by @Ceilzcx
  16. [common] optimize common aviator configuration #327


  1. [webapp,home] fix middle category icon and update home doc #283
  2. [web-app] fix redirect when monitors app is null #286
  3. [alerter] bugfix aviator expression match npe #297
  4. [doc] fix project name error #294 contributed by @CharlieXCL
  5. [[common]feature:use "apache.http.conn.util" replace "" for upgrading java version #299]( hertzbeat/pull/299) contributed by @Privauto
  6. Update #304 contributed by @emrys-he
  7. fix(sec): upgrade snakeyaml to 1.31 #313 contributed by @SxLiuYu
  8. [script] add startup log and optimize port service judgment #321
  9. [web-app] fix echarts y-axis value tip overflow #325
  10. [webapp] fix interceptor http resp common error-msg when error #329 Online

Have Fun!

Upgrade ⚠️

Need Convert application.yml.

resources: static-locations.
- classpath:/dist/
- classpath:... /dist/


resources: static-locations.
- classpath:/dist/
- classpath:... /dist/