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Use HertzBeat to monitor the Internet of Things database IoTDB, and it will be done in 5 minutes

Introduction to IoTDB

Apache IoTDB (Internet of Things Database) is a time-series database management system that can provide users with data collection, storage and analysis services. Due to its lightweight architecture, high performance and high availability, and seamless integration with Hadoop and Spark ecosystems, IoTDB meets the requirements of massive data storage, high-throughput data writing, and complex data query and analysis in the industrial IoT field. need.

Introduction to HertzBeat

HertzBeat is an open source, easy-to-use and friendly real-time monitoring tool that does not require Agent and has powerful custom monitoring capabilities. Supports monitoring of application services, databases, operating systems, middleware, cloud native, etc., threshold alarms, and alarm notifications (email WeChat Dingding Feishu). HertzBeat's powerful customization, multi-type support, easy expansion, and low coupling hope to help developers and small and medium teams quickly build their own monitoring tools.

Get monitoring IoTDB in HertzBeat in 5 minutes

Prerequisites, you already have IoTDB environment and HertzBeat environment

1. Enable the metrics function on the IoTDB side, which will provide interface data in the form of prometheus metrics

  1. The metric collection is disabled by default, you need to modify the parameters in conf/iotdb-metric.yml first, then restart the server

    # Whether to start the monitoring module, the default is false
    enableMetric: true

    # Data provision method, externally provide metrics data through jmx and prometheus protocol, optional parameters: [JMX, PROMETHEUS, IOTDB], IOTDB is closed by default.
    - JMX
  2. Restart IoTDB, open a browser or use curl to access http://ip:9091/metrics, and you can see the metric data.

2. Add IoTDB monitoring on the HertzBeat monitoring page

  1. Click Add IoTDB Monitoring

    Path: Menu -> Database Monitoring -> IoTDB Monitoring -> Add IoTDB Monitoring


  2. Configure the parameters required for monitoring IoTDB

    Fill in the IoTDB service IP and monitoring port (default 9091) on the monitoring page, and finally click OK to add. For other parameters such as collection interval, timeout period, etc., please refer to Help Documentation /iotdb/


  3. Complete ✅, now we have added the monitoring of IoTDB, check the monitoring list to see our added items.


  4. Click Operation->Monitoring Details Icon of the monitoring list item to browse the real-time monitoring metric data of IoTDB.


  5. Click Monitoring History Details TAB to browse IoTDB's historical monitoring metric data chart📈.


Complete DONE! Through the above steps, it is actually two steps to sum up

  • Enable metrics function on IoTDB in one step
  • Another step is to configure the IP port on the HertzBeat monitoring page to add monitoring

In this way, we have completed the monitoring of IoTDB. We can view the monitoring details and metrics at any time to observe its service status, but people cannot always watch it. When there is always a time to rest, monitoring is often accompanied by alarms. When monitoring When the metrics are abnormal, the monitoring tool needs to be able to notify the person in charge in time

Next, we will teach you step by step to configure the threshold alarm notification in the HertzBeat system

3. Add IoTDB metric threshold alarm in HertzBeat system

  1. Configure a threshold alarm for an important metric

    Path: Menu -> Alarm Threshold -> Add Threshold

    • Select the configured metric object. IotDB monitors many metrics, one of which is related to the status of the node cluster_node_status -> status (node status, 1=online 2=offline).

    • Here we configure to send an alarm when the metric status==2, the alarm level is Critical Alarm, which is triggered once, as shown in the figure below.


  2. Add message notification recipients

    Path: Menu -> Alarm Notification -> Alarm Recipient -> Add New Recipient

    Message notification methods support email, DingTalk, WeChat Work, Feishu, WebHook, SMS, etc. Here we take the commonly used DingTalk as an example.

    • Refer to this Help Documentation to configure the robot on DingTalk and set the security custom keyword HertzBeat, get the corresponding access_token value.

    • Configure the receiver parameters in HertzBeat as follows.

      【Alarm Notification】->【New Recipient】->【Select DingTalk Robot Notification Method】->【Set DingTalk Robot ACCESS_TOKEN】->【OK】


  3. Configure the associated alarm notification strategy ⚠️ [Add notification strategy] -> [Associate the recipient just set] -> [OK]


Finished, now wait for the warning message to come. ding ding ding ding

[HertzBeat warning notification]
Alarm target object: iotdb.cluster_node_status.status
Affiliated monitoring ID: 205540620349696
Belonging monitoring name: IOTDB_localhost
Alarm level: critical alarm
Alarm trigger time: 2023-01-05 22:17:06
Content details: The status of IOTDB node is monitored as OFFLINE, please deal with it in time.


This practical article took us to experience that if HertzBeat is used to monitor the IoTDB database metric data, we can find that HertzBeat, which integrates monitoring-alarm-notification, is more convenient in operation and use, and IoTDB can be included in the monitoring with a simple click on the page, it is no longer necessary to deploy multiple components and write multiple YML configuration files with thresholds.

IoTDB Github: HertzBeat Github:

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Only one docker command is needed to install and experience heartbeat: docker run -d -p 1157:1157 --name hertzbeat apache/hertzbeat

Note ⚠️HertzBeat v1.2.3 version supports IoTDB v0.12 v0.13. Since its v1.0 has just been released, all metrics of this version are not yet compatible.