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Version: v1.6.x

Alert Telegram Bot Notification

Send an alarm message after the threshold is triggered, and notify the recipient through the Telegram robot.


Create a bot in Telegram, get Bot Token and UserId

  1. Use @BotFather to create your own bot and get an access token Token


  2. Get the User ID of the recipient

    Use the recipient account you want to notify to send a message to the newly created Bot account, Visit<TOKEN>/getUpdates, use the Bot Token from the previous step to replace the <TOKEN>, and respond to the first in the Json data A value is the recipient's User ID

    "ok": true,
    "result": [
    "update_id": 632299191,
    "message": {
    "id": "User ID"
    "date": 1673858065,
    "text": "111"
  3. Record and save the Token and User Id we got

Add an alarm notification person to HertzBeat, the notification method is Telegram Bot

  1. 【Alarm Notification】->【Add Recipient】->【Select Telegram Robot Notification Method】->【Set Robot Token and UserId】-> 【OK】


  2. Configure the associated alarm notification strategy⚠️ [Add notification strategy] -> [Associate the recipient just set] -> [OK]

    Note ⚠️ Adding a new recipient does not mean that it has taken effect and can receive alarm information. It is also necessary to configure the associated alarm notification strategy, that is, specify which messages are sent to which recipients.


Telegram Bot Notification FAQ

  1. Telegram did not receive the robot warning notification

    Please check whether the alarm information has been triggered in the alarm center
    Please check whether the robot Token and UserId are configured correctly, and whether the alarm policy association has been configured
    UserId should be the UserId of the recipient of the message

Other questions can be fed back through the communication group ISSUE!