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Version: v1.6.x

Monitoring MongoDB Atlas Database

Collect and monitor general performance metrics of MongoDB Atlas databases.

Configuration Parameters

Parameter NameParameter Description
Target HostThe IP address, IPv4, IPv6, or domain name of the target to be monitored. Note: ⚠️ Do not include protocol headers (e.g., https://, http://).
Task NameThe name identifying this monitor, which must be unique.
UsernameMongoDB username, optional.
PasswordMongoDB password, optional.
DatabaseName of the database.
Authentication DatabaseThe name of the database storing user credentials.
Connection TimeoutTimeout for MongoDB connection when no response is received, in milliseconds (ms). Default is 6000 ms.
Cluster ModeValue for MongoDB Atlas cluster: mongodb-atlas
Collection IntervalInterval for periodic data collection, in seconds. The minimum interval is 30 seconds.
Binding TagsUsed for categorizing and managing monitoring resources.
Description/RemarksAdditional labels and description for this monitor; users can add notes here.

Collection Metrics

Metric Set: Build Information

Metric NameUnitMetric Description
versionNoneMongoDB version information
gitVersionNoneSource code git version
sysInfoNoneSystem information
allocatorNoneMemory allocator used by MongoDB
javascriptEngineNoneJavaScript engine used by MongoDB

Metric Set: Server Document

Metric NameUnitMetric Description
deleteNoneNumber of deletions
insertNoneNumber of insertions
updateNoneNumber of updates
queryNoneNumber of queries
getmoreNoneNumber of requests for remaining cursor documents
commandNoneTotal number of command operations

Metric Set: Network Operations

Metric NameUnitMetric Description
Bytes InNoneNumber of times a query needs to scan and sort data
Bytes OutNoneNumber of write conflicts
Request NumNoneNumber of requests

Metric Set: Connection Information

Metric NameUnitMetric Description
Current ConnectionsNoneNumber of current active connections
Available ConnectionsNoneNumber of available connections
Total Created ConnectionsNoneTotal number of connections created

Metric Set: Database Statistics

Metric NameUnitMetric Description
Database NameNoneName of the database
CollectionsNoneNumber of collections
ViewsNoneNumber of views
ObjectsNoneNumber of documents
Document Avg SizeBytesAverage size of documents
Document SizeBytesTotal size of documents
Storage SizeBytesSize of storage used
IndexesNoneNumber of indexes
Index SizeBytesTotal size of indexes