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Version: v1.6.x

Flink On Yarn Monitoring

Measurement and monitoring of general metrics for Flink stream engine in Yarn running mode.

Configuration Parameters

Parameter NameParameter Help Description
Monitoring HostThe monitored peer's IPV4, IPV6, or domain name. Note ⚠️ do not include protocol headers (e.g., https://, http://).
Task NameThe name identifying this monitoring task. The name must be unique.
Yarn PortThe Yarn port, corresponding to the port in yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.address.
Query TimeoutThe timeout for JVM connections, in milliseconds, default is 3000 ms.
Enable SSLWhether to enable SSL
UsernameConnection username
PasswordConnection password
Monitoring IntervalInterval for periodic data collection, in seconds, minimum interval is 30 seconds.
TagsUsed for categorizing and managing monitoring resources.
DescriptionAdditional notes and descriptions for this monitoring task. Users can add notes here.

Collected Metrics

Metrics Set: JobManager Metrics

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Help Description
Status.JVM.Memory.NonHeap.CommittedBytesNon-heap memory committed
Status.JVM.Memory.Mapped.TotalCapacityBytesTotal capacity of mapped memory
Status.JVM.Memory.NonHeap.UsedBytesNon-heap memory used
Status.JVM.Memory.Metaspace.MaxBytesMaximum capacity of metaspace
Status.JVM.GarbageCollector.G1_Old_Generation.CountCountCount of old generation garbage collections
Status.JVM.Memory.Direct.MemoryUsedBytesDirect memory used
Status.JVM.Memory.Mapped.MemoryUsedBytesMapped memory used
Status.JVM.GarbageCollector.G1_Young_Generation.CountCountCount of young generation garbage collections
Status.JVM.Memory.Direct.TotalCapacityBytesTotal capacity of direct memory
Status.JVM.GarbageCollector.G1_Old_Generation.TimemsTime spent on old generation garbage collections
Status.JVM.Memory.Heap.CommittedBytesHeap memory committed
Status.JVM.Memory.Mapped.CountCountCount of mapped memory
Status.JVM.Memory.Metaspace.UsedBytesMetaspace memory used
Status.JVM.Memory.Direct.CountCountCount of direct memory
Status.JVM.Memory.Heap.UsedBytesHeap memory used
Status.JVM.Memory.Heap.MaxBytesMaximum capacity of heap memory
Status.JVM.GarbageCollector.G1_Young_Generation.TimemsTime spent on young generation garbage collections
Status.JVM.Memory.NonHeap.MaxBytesMaximum capacity of non-heap memory

Metrics Set: JobManager Config

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Help Description
internal.jobgraph-path-Internal job graph path environment path
classloader.check-leaked-classloader-Whether to check for leaked class loaders options
high-availability.cluster-id-High availability cluster ID
jobmanager.rpc.address-JobManager's RPC address
jobmanager.memory.jvm-overhead.minBytesMinimum JVM overhead for JobManager
jobmanager.web.portPortJobManager's Web port
webclient.portPortWeb client port
execution.savepoint.ignore-unclaimed-state-Whether to ignore unclaimed state
io.tmp.dirsPathTemporary file directories
parallelism.default-Default parallelism
taskmanager.memory.fraction-TaskManager memory fraction
taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots-Number of task slots for TaskManager application name
taskmanager.heap.mbMBHeap memory size for TaskManager
taskmanager.memory.process.sizeGBProcess memory size for TaskManager
web.portPortWeb port
classloader.resolve-order-Class loader resolve order
jobmanager.heap.mbMBHeap memory size for JobManager memory size for JobManager
state.backend.incremental-Whether the state backend is incremental target
jobmanager.memory.process.sizeGBProcess memory size for JobManager
web.tmpdirPathWeb temporary directory
yarn.ship-filesPathYarn shipped files
jobmanager.rpc.portPortJobManager's RPC port to use local default temporary directories
execution.checkpointing.intervalmsCheckpointing interval
execution.attached-Whether to execute attached
internal.cluster.execution-mode-Internal cluster execution mode
execution.shutdown-on-attached-exit-Whether to shutdown on attached exit
pipeline.jarsPathPipeline JAR files
rest.address-REST address
state.backend-State backend type
jobmanager.memory.jvm-metaspace.sizeBytesJVM metaspace size for JobManager
$internal.deployment.config-dirPathInternal deployment configuration directory
$internal.yarn.log-config-filePathInternal Yarn log configuration file path
jobmanager.memory.heap.sizeBytesHeap memory size for JobManager
state.checkpoints.dirPathState checkpoints directory
jobmanager.memory.jvm-overhead.maxBytesMaximum JVM overhead for JobManager

TaskManager Metrics

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Help Description
Container ID-Container ID for uniquely identifying a container
Path-Container path
Data PortPortData transmission port
JMX PortPortJMX (Java Management Extensions) port
Last HeartbeatTimestampLast heartbeat time
All SlotsCountTotal number of task slots in the container
Free SlotsCountNumber of free task slots in the container
totalResourceCpuCoresCoresTotal number of CPU cores in the container
totalResourceTaskHeapMemoryMBTotal task heap memory size in the container
totalResourceManagedMemoryMBTotal managed memory size in the container
totalResourceNetworkMemoryMBTotal network memory size in the container
freeResourceCpuCoresCoresNumber of free CPU cores in the container
freeResourceTaskHeapMemoryMBFree task heap memory size in the container
freeResourceTaskOffHeapMemoryMBFree task off-heap memory size in the container
freeResourceManagedMemoryMBFree managed memory size in the container
freeResourceNetworkMemoryMBFree network memory size in the container
CPU CoresCoresNumber of CPU cores
Physical MEMMBSize of physical memory
JVM Heap SizeMBSize of JVM heap memory
Flink Managed MEMMBSize of Flink managed memory
Framework HeapMBSize of framework heap memory
Task HeapMBSize of task heap memory
Framework Off-HeapMBSize of framework off-heap memory
memoryConfigurationTaskOffHeapBytesTask off-heap memory configuration
NetworkMBNetwork memory configuration
Managed MemoryMBManaged memory configuration
JVM MetaspaceMBSize of JVM metaspace
JVM OverheadMBJVM overhead
memoryConfigurationTotalFlinkMemoryBytesTotal Flink memory configuration
memoryConfigurationTotalProcessMemoryBytesTotal process memory configuration

TaskManager Metrics

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Help Description
Status.Shuffle.Netty.TotalMemoryMBTotal memory used by Netty Shuffle
Status.Flink.Memory.Managed.UsedMBManaged memory used by Flink
Status.JVM.Memory.Metaspace.UsedMBUsed JVM metaspace memory
Status.JVM.Memory.Metaspace.MaxMBMaximum JVM metaspace memory
Status.JVM.Memory.Heap.UsedMBUsed JVM heap memory
Status.JVM.Memory.Heap.MaxMBMaximum JVM heap memory
Status.Flink.Memory.Managed.TotalMBTotal managed memory by Flink
Status.Shuffle.Netty.UsedMemoryMBUsed memory by Netty Shuffle