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Version: v1.6.x

Monitoring HugeGraph Monitoring

Collect and monitor the general performance metrics of HugeGraph

Protocol used: HTTP

Pre-monitoring Operations

Check the file to obtain the value of the restserver_port configuration item, which is used for monitoring.

Configuration Parameters

Parameter NameParameter Description
Target HostThe IPv4, IPv6, or domain name of the monitored endpoint. Note ⚠️ Do not include protocol headers (eg: https://, http://).
PortPort number of the HugeGraph restserver, default is 8080. i.e., the value of the restserver_port parameter
Enable SSLEnable SSL usage
Base PathBase path, default is: /metrics, usually does not need to be modified
Task NameIdentifies the name of this monitoring, ensuring uniqueness.
Collection IntervalInterval for periodically collecting data for monitoring, in seconds, with a minimum interval of 30 seconds
Probe EnabledWhether to probe before adding new monitoring, only continue with add/modify operations if the probe is successful
DescriptionAdditional identification and description of this monitoring, users can add information here

Metrics Collection

Metric Set: gauges

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Description
edge-hugegraph-capacityNONEIndicates the capacity limit of edges in the current graph
edge-hugegraph-expireNONEIndicates the expiration time of edge data
edge-hugegraph-hitsNONEIndicates the number of hits in the edge data cache
edge-hugegraph-missNONEIndicates the number of misses in the edge data cache
edge-hugegraph-sizeNONEIndicates the number of edges in the current graph
instancesNONEIndicates the number of currently running HugeGraph instances
schema-id-hugegraph-capacityNONEIndicates the capacity limit of schema IDs in the graph
schema-id-hugegraph-expireNONEIndicates the expiration time of schema ID data
schema-id-hugegraph-hitsNONEIndicates the number of hits in the schema ID data cache
schema-id-hugegraph-missNONEIndicates the number of misses in the schema ID data cache
schema-id-hugegraph-sizeNONEIndicates the number of schema IDs in the current graph
schema-name-hugegraph-capacityNONEIndicates the capacity limit of schema names in the graph
schema-name-hugegraph-expireNONEIndicates the expiration time of schema name data
schema-name-hugegraph-hitsNONEIndicates the number of hits in the schema name data cache
schema-name-hugegraph-missNONEIndicates the number of misses in the schema name data cache
schema-name-hugegraph-sizeNONEIndicates the number of schema names in the current graph
token-hugegraph-capacityNONEIndicates the capacity limit of tokens in the graph
token-hugegraph-expireNONEIndicates the expiration time of token data
token-hugegraph-hitsNONEIndicates the number of hits in the token data cache
token-hugegraph-missNONEIndicates the number of misses in the token data cache
token-hugegraph-sizeNONEIndicates the number of tokens in the current graph
users-hugegraph-capacityNONEIndicates the capacity limit of users in the graph
users-hugegraph-expireNONEIndicates the expiration time of user data
users-hugegraph-hitsNONEIndicates the number of hits in the user data cache
users-hugegraph-missNONEIndicates the number of misses in the user data cache
users-hugegraph-sizeNONEIndicates the number of users in the current graph
users_pwd-hugegraph-capacityNONEIndicates the capacity limit of user passwords
users_pwd-hugegraph-expireNONEIndicates the expiration time of user password data
users_pwd-hugegraph-hitsNONEIndicates the number of hits in the user password data cache
users_pwd-hugegraph-missNONEIndicates the number of misses in the user password data cache
users_pwd-hugegraph-sizeNONEIndicates the number of user passwords in the current graph
vertex-hugegraph-capacityNONEIndicates the capacity limit of vertices in the graph
vertex-hugegraph-expireNONEIndicates the expiration time of vertex data
vertex-hugegraph-hitsNONEIndicates the number of hits in the vertex data cache
vertex-hugegraph-missNONEIndicates the number of misses in the vertex data cache
vertex-hugegraph-sizeNONEIndicates the number of vertices in the current graph
batch-write-threadsNONEIndicates the number of threads for batch write operations
max-write-threadsNONEIndicates the maximum number of threads for write operations
pending-tasksNONEIndicates the number of pending tasks
workersNONEIndicates the current number of worker threads
average-load-penaltyNONEIndicates the average load penalty
estimated-sizeNONEIndicates the estimated data size
eviction-countNONEIndicates the number of evicted data entries
eviction-weightNONEIndicates the weight of evicted data
hit-countNONEIndicates the total cache hits
hit-rateNONEIndicates the cache hit rate
load-countNONEIndicates the number of data loads
load-failure-countNONEIndicates the number of data load failures
load-failure-rateNONEIndicates the data load failure rate
load-success-countNONEIndicates the number of successful data loads
long-run-compilation-countNONEIndicates the number of long-running compilations
miss-countNONEIndicates the total cache misses
miss-rateNONEIndicates the cache miss rate
request-countNONEIndicates the total request count
total-load-timeNONEIndicates the total data load time
sessionsNONEIndicates the current number of active sessions

Metric Set: counters

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Description
GET-SUCCESS_COUNTERNONERecords the number of successful GET requests
GET-TOTAL_COUNTERNONERecords the total number of GET requests
favicon-ico-GET-FAILED_COUNTERNONERecords the number of failed GET requests to retrieve favicon.ico
favicon-ico-GET-TOTAL_COUNTERNONERecords the total number of GET requests to retrieve favicon.ico
graphs-HEAD-FAILED_COUNTERNONERecords the number of failed HEAD requests for graphs resources
graphs-HEAD-SUCCESS_COUNTERNONERecords the number of successful HEAD requests for graphs resources
graphs-HEAD-TOTAL_COUNTERNONERecords the total number of HEAD requests for graphs resources
graphs-hugegraph-graph-vertices-GET-SUCCESS_COUNTERNONERecords the number of successful GET requests for vertices in HugeGraph graphs
graphs-hugegraph-graph-vertices-GET-TOTAL_COUNTERNONERecords the total number of GET requests for vertices in HugeGraph graphs
metrics-GET-FAILED_COUNTERNONERecords the number of failed GET requests to retrieve metrics
metrics-GET-TOTAL_COUNTERNONERecords the total number of GET requests to retrieve metrics
metrics-GET-SUCCESS_COUNTERNONERecords the number of successful GET requests to retrieve metrics
metrics-GET-TOTAL_COUNTERNONERecords the total number of GET requests to retrieve metrics
metrics-gauges-GET-SUCCESS_COUNTERNONERecords the number of successful GET requests to retrieve metrics gauges
metrics-gauges-GET-TOTAL_COUNTERNONERecords the total number of GET requests to retrieve metrics gauges

Metric Set: system

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Description
memNONEIndicates the total memory of the system
mem_totalNONEIndicates the total memory of the system (same as mem)
mem_usedNONEIndicates the currently used memory of the system
mem_freeNONEIndicates the free memory of the system
mem_unitNONEIndicates the unit of memory (such as bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, etc.)
processorsNONEIndicates the number of processors in the system
uptimeNONEIndicates the system uptime, i.e., the time since booting
systemload_averageNONEIndicates the average system load, reflecting the system's busyness
heap_committedNONEIndicates the committed size of JVM heap memory, i.e., the guaranteed heap memory size available to JVM
heap_initNONEIndicates the initial size of JVM heap memory
heap_usedNONEIndicates the currently used JVM heap memory size
heap_maxNONEIndicates the maximum available size of JVM heap memory
nonheap_committedNONEIndicates the committed size of JVM non-heap memory
nonheap_initNONEIndicates the initial size of JVM non-heap memory
nonheap_usedNONEIndicates the currently used JVM non-heap memory size
nonheap_maxNONEIndicates the maximum available size of JVM non-heap memory
thread_peakNONEIndicates the peak number of threads since JVM startup
thread_daemonNONEIndicates the current number of active daemon threads
thread_total_startedNONEIndicates the total number of threads started since JVM startup
thread_countNONEIndicates the current number of active threads
garbage_collector_g1_young_generation_countNONEIndicates the number of young generation garbage collections by G1 garbage collector
garbage_collector_g1_young_generation_timeNONEIndicates the total time spent in young generation garbage collections by G1 garbage collector
garbage_collector_g1_old_generation_countNONEIndicates the number of old generation garbage collections by G1 garbage collector
garbage_collector_g1_old_generation_timeNONEIndicates the total time spent in old generation garbage collections by G1 garbage collector
garbage_collector_time_unitNONEIndicates the unit of garbage collection time (such as milliseconds, seconds, etc.)