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Version: v1.6.x

Monitoring StarRocks Database BE Monitoring

Collect and monitor general performance metrics for StarRocks database BE. Supports StarRocks 2.4.0 and later versions.

Protocol: HTTP

Pre-monitoring Operations

Check the be/conf/be.conf file to obtain the value of the http_port configuration item, which is used for monitoring.

Configuration Parameters

Parameter NameParameter Description
Monitor HostThe monitored target's IPV4, IPV6, or domain name. Note: Without the protocol header (e.g., https://, http://)
Task NameA unique name identifying this monitoring task
PortThe port provided by the database to the outside, default is 8040, get the value of the http_port configuration item
Query TimeoutThe timeout for the connection to not respond, in milliseconds, default is 6000 milliseconds
DescriptionAdditional notes and descriptions for this monitoring task

Collection Metrics

For more metrics, please refer to the StarRocks official documentation: General Monitoring Metrics.

Metric Set: starrocks_be_cpu

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Help Description
valueNoneCPU usage information returned by /proc/stat

Metric Set: starrocks_be_disks_state

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Help Description
valueNoneState of each disk. 1 indicates that the disk is in use, and 0 indicates that the disk is not in use

Metric Set: starrocks_be_tablet_base_max_compaction_score

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Help Description
valueNoneHighest base compaction score of tablets in this BE

Metric Set: starrocks_be_tablet_cumulative_max_compaction_score

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Help Description
valueNoneHighest cumulative compaction score of tablets in this BE

Metric Set: starrocks_be_engine_requests_total

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Help Description
valueNoneTotal count of all types of requests, including CREATE TABLE, Publish Version and Tablet Clone

Metric Set: starrocks_be_max_disk_io_util_percent

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Help Description
value%Maximum disk I/O utilization percentage

Metric Set: starrocks_be_disks_avail_capacity

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Help Description
valueMBAvailable capacity of a specific disk

Metric Set: starrocks_be_disks_data_used_capacity

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Help Description
valueMBUsed capacity of each disk (represented by a storage path)

Metric Set: starrocks_be_load_bytes

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Help Description
valueBytesTotal loaded bytes

Metric Set: starrocks_be_load_rows

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Help Description
valueNoneTotal loaded rows

Metric Set: starrocks_be_process_mem_bytes

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Help Description
valueMBMemory used by this process

Metric Set: starrocks_be_jemalloc_allocated_bytes

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Help Description
valueMBTotal number of bytes allocated by jemalloc

Metric Set: starrocks_be_network_receive_bytes

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Help Description
valueBytesTotal bytes received via network

Metric Set: starrocks_be_network_send_bytes

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Help Description
valueBytesNumber of bytes sent over the network